
Knee Pain


Have you got sore knees, maybe an old injury from sport or running that just won’t go away?

Every-time you walk you feel the pain in the same place…

What if simply by finding out how walking in a different way you could make that knee pain disappear?

Simply put, if you stop creating the conditions that cause the pain, and learn how to create new pain free conditions, then the symptoms of pain can often disappear…

What would it mean to you if you could find a way to reduce or even eliminate your knee pain just by practicing 3 simple techniques every day?

The 3 crucial things you need to remember to reduce and avoid knee pain are…

  1. Relax your knees so they are not “locked.”
  2. Notice the natural movement of weight distribution through the feet and when you are no longer locking.
  3. Check the muscles at the front of your legs (your quadriceps) with your fingers to make sure they are relaxed as you relax and let your weight shift from foot to foot.

To learn how to do this in more detail and with application to more dynamic movement simply click on the link below to watch a short video tutorial…

 Book your FREE Training and Rehab Transformation Demonstration here.